Levana Ayden Video Baby Monitor Review
I received this product courtesy of Levana to facilitate my review. Regardless of compensation, I only feature products that work for my family and that I like.
Baby products are getting higher tech nowadays — with hi-def screens, temperature read outs and night vision (it’s very James Bond), and Levana is leading the charge. They launched the first-ever wireless handheld baby video monitor in 2002, and the Ayden Video Baby Monitor features state of the art technology at a competitive price point.
Ayden, meaning “Enduring,” has been designed with parent-friendly controls and features in mind, including 48 hour battery life in power saving PEEP mode, temperature monitoring, night vision up to 15 feet, and 750-foot ClearVu® digital signal, which means the monitor cannot be hacked. In addition, parents can calm their baby with the sound of their own voice with the two-way Talk to Baby intercom and three soothing lullabies that can be remotely activated and changed from the parent unit. The Ayden Video Baby Monitor also features a gentle nightlight and is expandable up to four cameras, to grow with the family.
The Ayden Video Baby Monitor can be purchased directly from the Levana website at MyLevana.com for $119.99.
Definitely a great gift for a baby shower!