Disclosure: Sponsored post. I am not a medical professional and none of these statements are based on my research and honest opinion.
Estrogen Inhibiting Foods
What can happen when you have Estrogen dominance? (source: LitaLee.com)
- Early menses (
- Body shape: short legs, broad hips
- Female problems (all of them): PMS (cramps, anxiety, breast pain, excessive, scanty or absence of menses); fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts; infertility or miscarriage at the 9th or 10th week of pregnancy, birth defects; endometriosis; hair loss with abnormal facial hair; post partum depression.
- Breast, uterine and ovarian pathology (tumors, fibroids, cystic ovaries, etc.). This can occur even in children who are fed meat and dairy products containing hormones.
- Cancers of all kinds: Female (breast, ovaries, uterine, cervical); Male: testicular, prostate; General: Lung, liver, colon, kidney, brain and others such as Melanoma.
- Migraine headaches, worse in women during ovulation and menses
- Seizures, worse in women at ovulation and menses (don’t exclude other sources of seizures such as excess sugar, NutraSweet, etc.)
- Increased fat storage
- Hypoxia (tissue oxygen starvation)
- Fibromyalgia, which means edema, low blood sugar and inflammation
- Bruising or pigmentation (dark spots) or discoloration of face and skin (proof of estrogen dominance = damage)
- Gallbladder disease which increases in women over men at the rate of six times, especially in women who take ERT
- Increased aging of skin: estrogen makes the skin thinner (skin atrophy); decreases cell size; eliminates dendritic branches. This is also true of cortisone.
- Causes osteoporosis (progesterone prevents or cures osteoporosis).
- Cardiotoxic: promotes irregular heart beat, blood clots, stroke, heart disease, blood vessel spasms and blood clots
- Promotes production of prolactin (like cortisone), lutenizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in abnormal amounts. Excess prolactin leads to prolactinoma (pituitary tumor), which is prevented and reversed by adequate progesterone therapy.
In each capsule, there is a powerful balancing blend of 100mg DIM with 50mg I3C for reducing the fat building estrogens and restoring the good estrogens combined with Super high concentrations of Diindolylmethane to rinse clean your inner body. Harmful estrone’s 16aOHE can be safely detoxified with Cruciferous DIM and I3C. We use a special carrier molecule to allow the DIM in ESTROBLOCK to become highly effective and 5 times more effective than crystalline DIM, with two capsules equal to over two pounds of raw vegetables. This is one of the only products that can improve the effectiveness of one’s own testosterone, enhancing lean body muscle while dissolving fat. Estroblock can be taken every day and night to correct imbalances of estrogens creating a tumor free environment within the body. Anti Aging Medical News Spring 2003 Journal Abstract, “Estrogen – a Male Toxin,” by Nick Delgado PhD, has the complete description of the natural action of this product, which is why we have more doctors using the product for themselves and their patients!
Check out these amazing video reviews:
SAFE and no side effects
It sounds like a safe product to try and i do have that stubborn belly fat left over from two previous pregnancies that i would like some help trying to relieve. I've been actually doing the p90X program with my boyfriend so this would be a great addition to help with it. Thanks for the chance!
My maternal grandmother had Osteoporosis.
Ive been doing a lot of research on this product for about a month now. Im almost 99% sure my acne is hormonal. This product seems safe and natural which is what i need. Im going to give it a try!
I would like to try this safe & natural product. eclairre at ymail dot com.
I would love to try this product to help with my adult acne and weight problem and getting my mood swings in balance when it's that time of the month.
i would like to get the cramps, anxiety under control. this might help