I can’t believe my daughter will be three next week. Where did the time go? It’s been so amazing to see how much she’s transformed throughout these last three years. She’s smart, creative and adventurous and hard to keep up with sometimes. But, she’s a blast.
In an effort to teach her to be independent, I try to let my daughter choose her own outfits each day. Sometimes her outfits look okay and other times I have to intervene but for the most part, she ends up throwing in a little something that really shows her spunk. Right now her accessories of choice have been her new MegExpressions Toddler Purses.
Meghan Corbin, owner and creator of MegExpressions creates one-of-a-kind handcrafted toddler purses and other great accessories for ladies of all ages. You can find her shop on Etsy where she regularly updates her supply. You can find everything from sunglasses cases to change purses to tissue pouches on her site. Her products are organic and made from repurposed fabrics.
My daughter loves her purses to carry all her daily necessities. You know, race cars, little ponies, bouncy balls, lollipops – important toddler things. The purses are the perfect size and are super easy for her to carry. Plus, if she gets tired of carrying her purse while we’re out and about, I can just tuck it into my larger purse for later.
MegExpressions toddler purses and other goodies make great gifts. Head over to www.megexpressions.com today to see what Meghan’s been up to.
Enter to win the adorable toddler purse shown below. This purse has been created especially for our giveaway winner! Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Good luck! We will choose one winner after 7.25.
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This bag is so cute! So glad I found your blog too!
Bag is adorable.
This bag is super cute!!
This is adorable. I have 3 little girls who would love this.
I love entering your giveaways they are so simple and don't take an hour to get through all the entries
This is such a delightful little purse! Thanks for hosting this for us.
Such a cute bag! My 3-year-old cousin would love it!
My two year old will haul around grocery bags, Halloween pumpkin buckets, tennis shoes with the looped laces draped over her arm…anything that she can pretend is a purse. She would love this! Thank you for hosting!
My two year old niece would love this! So cute!
So so precious. I have just the little girl for the little purse. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this wonderful blog.
Cute purse, my daughter would love it.
Very adorable purses from Meg Expressions! I love them and I know my daughter will love them!
I love your blog!! Thank you for all the fabulous giveaways!!
THis is soooo cute! My daughter would love it!
Thank you for the cute little purse giveaway. My niece would love it. Thank you for the giveaway.
This is so adorable, my daughter would love it 🙂