Going “Organic”
If you ask anyone considering going “organic” their biggest concern about making the switch from non-organic foods, you’ll probably hear that the price is their biggest concern. Traditionally, organic foods have been more expensive than non-organic foods, they sometimes have a shorter shelf life and have been hard to find at popular grocery stores…until recently.
In an effort to help make organic mainstream, brands like Wild Oats have invaded Walmart stores. Wild Oats sells their amazing organic products at your favorite Walmart prices. I’m talking about household staple-type products like pasta, pasta sauce, spices and herbs, olive oil, etc.
By no means do I consider myself to be green, crunchy, a tree-hugger or all natural (no offense). I typically go for the lower priced items at the grocery store, except when taste overrides the price. I would say at least 25% of my shopping cart is considered to be organic on any given grocery run but I’m definitely working on it. If only all brands were on board with making organic mainstream, affordable and easily available.
What is Organic?
Organic food product methods promote biodiversity, the biological cycling of nutrients, and plant and animal health. Certified organic farmers may not use toxic synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers and unnecessary hormones or antibiotics. Instead, they use practices that restore, maintain and enhance soil and ecosystem health. GMO’s, artificial ingredients or trans fats may NOT be used.
Aside from the obvious nutritional benefits of going organic, I love that it’s more beneficial for the earth and animals. Organic farming helps improve water quality and the safety of drinking water which is so precious to us in California. Also, coming from a major farm and dairy town, I know first-hand that happy cows not only come from California, but they come from organic farms in California.
The purpose of this article is not to get you to throw away all of your non-organic grocery items and make the switch to organic right now. It’s just to let you know that not only do organic farming practices make it healthier for human life, they also benefit the earth and animals. Just something to tuck into your back pocket this Earth Day.
My Favorite Wild Oats Organic Products at Walmart

– Extra Virgin Olive Oil ($5.98) – I use EVOO on a daily basis and I love that I have been able to painlessly incorporate one more organic product into my everyday routine.
– Marinara Sauce ($1.95) – My entire family loves this marinara sauce. It’s so fresh tasting and goes great with ground turkey and Wild Oats organic Spaghetti.
– Chipotle Sauce ($2.64) – This sauce is addicting. I love it on eggs, burritos, tacos, you name it.
Connect with Wild Oats
Thanks to Wild Oats for allowing me to sample some of your amazing products. Any opinion expressed in this article is not influenced by compensation and is honest.