I received sample products to facilitate my review from Baby Boum. Any opinion expressed in this article is based on my experience with the brand/products and is never influenced by compensation.

It can be tempting to wrap your infant in a blanket at night, but it certainly is frowned upon. Babies can easily suffocate with loose clothing and blankets in the crib. We recommend sleepsack-style products for keeping baby warm at night.
While it can be one extra step to get your baby out of a sleepsack for midnight diaper changes, it’s worth the peace of mind of knowing your little one is safer. Baby Boum, a leader in the baby product industry in Europe, offers adorable sleepsacks in a couple of different styles and fabrics. After a lengthy test period, I can say that I’m loving their products.
The Bamboo Bag comes in both the sleepsack style and the style shown above with split legs. The natural bamboo fabric is super soft, naturally antibacterial and naturally breathable. You can use it in the crib, in the car seat and anywhere else you can think of.
Another great option for keeping your baby warm in the stroller or car seat is the Biside Blanket by Baby Boum. It has zippers on the back that open up to slide the car seat or stroller straps through which is such a great feature, in my opinion.
I’ve been using my Biside blanket so much more than I ever imagined I would. It really came in handy on our last visit to the snow. Kendall really needed something that wrapped her up and held the heat in and the Biside blanket was perfect. I also use it in the stroller for morning walks and at home as a regular blanket for both girls.
Baby Boum offers so much more than just sleepsacks. You can find everything form loveys to crib bumpers to bedding and bath products. Visit their Amazon Store Front to shop their products!