Real talk for a second. Before having kids I told myself, “I am not going to be that kind of mom that has kid tunes blaring in the car and a trail of toys scattered in MY adult living space. I’m going to have boundaries and be well organized with a schedule.” [Lets all just laugh loudly at that very unrealistic picture]. Well, I had my first child and that vision went right out the window. At that point, whatever worked – is what we did. The love we have for our children sure does makes us do things we never thought we’d do. Am I right, or am I right? Mom life is having a toy reserve in each room, and stale snacks under the couch cushion. It is that secret stash of candy in your top drawer that has long since expired, but still brings you joy. Its playing princess and twirling to that one song over and over and over.
For me, the thought of kid tv going and nursery rhymes replaying wasn’t something I was particularly looking forward to. For instance, my daughter is 4 and when she asks to put Mother Goose Club on, I know that its time for me to find a chore to do, far far away through at least 3 closed doors. It really is a sweet wholesome show, and for that I am thankful, but the songs dig holes in my head and I’m left reluctantly playing that tune all day. If only I had a secret wardrobe that led to a spa, which meant a foot massage, that led to a long uninterrupted nap… Oh wait, that isn’t real life.
I needed to figure something out, because I know how happy it makes me when my husband takes interest in the things that I enjoy. As a mom, I know that it makes my daughter happy when we enjoy her world together. If I was going to truly enjoy her tunes, it meant that I needed to be more intentional in what we listen to together.
Topher Tunes

As a family, we love exploring together, eating different foods and learning about odd things, so finding a palette of music that tasted good to our inner jam had to be different. My husband and I strive to widen our children’s scope of the world in everything we do, so stumbling upon Topher Tunes was refreshing. This composer takes your typical nursery rhyme and casts it in a different era, dawning that style of music. For instance, Little Boy Blue is set in the 1930’s taking on the swing jazz feel of the Big Band Era – my favorite song!
I love that my daughter is unknowingly learning history through the fun veil of music as a toddler. I hope that when she is studying History text in middle school, it comes easier because she has had all of these fun educational touchpoints as a small child. I don’t mind cranking these songs up loud in the kitchen as we make some lunch. She’s happy that I am enjoying her world with her, and I enjoy listening to an old classic remade into something fun and new.
Bedtime Music
We have lots of fun during the day, but as we all know, bedtime is a chore. It requires routine, which is something that I have to try much harder at than most. We have recently set a bedtime and a couple of rituals that help my daughter wind down. First it’s jammies and a good teeth brushing, then its the dreaded sleeping in her own bed, which leads to an hour long cry-fest. I have recently begun putting her down with low music, which seems to be helping. All Topher’s music is great for setting the stage of bedtime. I love knowing that I can engage her mind even at bed time as she drifts off to sleep. Again, whatever works – right??
This set of tunes is the first album of its kind, and I am already excited for the second musical creation to drop. If you are curious for yourself, go and preview the album via the link below! You can purchase a hard copy or download right from the link.
May you enjoy the little things with your littles!
Preview and Purchase the album here: http://www.tophertunesmusic.com/
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I have never heard of Topher Tunes! Thanks for your honest opinion and your ideas about music for kids! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
I will have to check this site out for my Granddaughter she loves to sing and dance to all types of music.