I just received some amazing pregnancy essentials from Robelyn Labs, a small family-owned business that was founded in 2005. Robelyn Labs specializes in advanced skin care products for use before, during, and after pregnancy. Their Elastin3 product is a stretch mark therapy that’s very popular and highly effective for most customers. They also just recently launched a new product called ElastinMD, which targets even the most stubborn stretch marks.
I wanted to be able to sample their best products so I chose to try the Pregnancy Essentials Kit ($39.95). This kit includes the follow products:
Therapuetic Pain Relief Gel with Aloe Vera (formulated to relieve aching in sore muscles and joints in back and legs).
Refreshing Foot Therapy Gel with therapy oils (formulated to reduce swelling and relieve aching)
Belly & Body Butter with Elastin & Collagen – Jasmine Scented (formulated to moisturize, soften skin and improve skin texture).
Elastin 3 Advanced Stretch Mark Therapy with AH3 Amino Peptide, Elastin and Collagen
VariClear (formulated to reduce swelling and relive aching for areas prone to varicose veins)
My Thoughts
This pregnancy essentials kit makes the perfect gift for any expectant mother. Most of the products have very little scent so they shouldn’t bother her sensitive nose. These products are also great for traveling. I plan to pack my Belly & Body Butter for my Cabo trip in a couple of weeks. It’s small enough to fit in the carry-on bag or even the diaper bag and it’s a great product for daily use. It leaves my skin moisturized without feeling greasy or sticky.
I’m also really loving the Therapeutic Pain Relief Gel and the Refreshing Foot Therapy gel from this essentials kit. The foot gel has been great for cooling off and moisturizing
my tootsies without leaving them feeling greasy. I typically put cream on my feet at night when I get into bed only to wake up and track footprints on my dark hard floors in the morning. With the Robelyn Labs foot gel, I don’t even have this problem.
The Therapeutic Pain Relief Gel is also great for sore, tired feet, calves and back muscles. I will admit that the pain relief is not like taking a Tylenol, but it does provide some relief and is especially great after a long day of walking.
Another product that I’m loving from Robelyn Labs which is not included in this pregnancy essentials kit is the Derma Smooth Cellulite Prevention & Treatment lotion ($69.95). I’ve started to notice a few dimples on my outer thighs (noooooo!) and I’ve quickly started taking action to prevent cellulite. I’ve heard that cutting out dairy products can help tremendously but that’s hard to do when you need the protein.
I’ve tried a few other cellulite creams in the past and they all had really horrible scents. Almost like rotting milk. I’m pleased to say that the Derma Smooth does not have a nasty scent. To me, it smells a little like oatmeal. What’s more is that Robelyn Labs guarantees visible results in 30 days and their clinical tests showed 85% in cellulite in thighs. I’m hooked.
Most Likely myself
To keep for myself.
I would so love to win this for my great-niece who just found out she is about 10 week pregnant!!
I want to win this fro my mom!
I would love to win it for myself!
I want to get if for me 🙂 Sounds amazing! Thanks for offering this!
i want this for me. i'm hot and pregnant this summer. mama needs something to make her happy and relaxed. this looks amazing.
I would this gift for both–part for me and part to share;)
I would give this to my daughter.
I would love to win this for my girlfriend!!
I want it as a gift for myself,thanks
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